搜索 Benji

  • An in-depth re-examination on the origin of the Wells Fargo Bank, plus its correlation to the last California ghost town Bodie; where it uncovers a fascinating new discovery that had never been documented in history of the Wild Wild West.
  • The Voice kids is almost exactly like The Voice for adults but it showcases children instead of adults.
  • A behind the scenes look at how short films are produced by the internet sensations from Rocketjump. Shows various aspects of the filming process as well as a new short with each episode.
  • 电影剧情
  • 'Potong Saga' by Ho Yuhang'Chocolate' by Yasmin Ahmad'The Tree' by Amir Muhammad'House' by Linus Chung'Halal' by Liew Seng Tat'The Son' by Desmond Ng'Lumpur' by Kamal Sabran'One Future' by Tan Chui Mui'Slovak Sling' by Woo Ming Jin'Gerhana' by James Lee'Meter' by Benji & Bahir'Duit Kecil' by Johan John'Healthy Paranoia…
  • 电影
    探员蒋浩华(甄子丹 饰)因办案手段凌厉大胆常受上峰批评,最近接到外派任务,赴菲律宾接回证人苏权,由于苏权一案牵涉蒋浩华杀妻仇人狄克(张耀扬 饰),蒋浩华严阵以待,但还是被狄克抢得先机。出师不利的蒋浩华决定孤身滞留菲律宾,与当地探员艾度合作查案。狄克是菲律宾颇有权势的卡先生之得力助手,近几年狄克借各种违法交易中饱私囊,逐渐…
  • 电影剧情
    迪士尼于1987年发行了一部十分特別的电影,全片几乎都是由动物所主演,片名是《丛林赤子心》,故事內容是敘述一只名叫Benji小狗的故事。   其實在《丛林赤子心》之前,导演Joe Camp所属的 Mulberry Square制片公司已在1974年、1977年、1980年推出了三部以小狗Benji为主角的电影,都受到观众的欢迎,1987年的《丛林赤子心》才是与迪士尼合…
  • Gallivant is a 6,000-mile journey zig-zagging around the coast of Britain, which is both an experimental travelogue and an intensely personal story. Kötting begins the journey to bring Gladys, his 85-year old grandmother, and Eden, his 7-y…