- The introduction of Lantz's little black-boy character, L'il Eight Ball, finds him going to bed in his small cabin and being visited by a baby ghost. He avers he is not afraid, and his isn't, so the little ghost transports him to a haunted mill where the adult ghosts hang out. They run the little hero through all the s…
- 1987 年 10 月,名叫亚当的士兵手持M16步枪在吉隆坡华人地区扫射,导致一名马来人、两名华人死亡,震撼当时的大马社会。导演阿米尔在 16 年后拿着DV摄影机,到街头上采访市民对这场动乱的记忆,以及他们对于政治、社会、种族、宗教议题的意见,在虚构和现实交杂间,构筑了鲜活生猛的吉隆坡庶民群像。马来西亚首部入围日舞影展的影片,透过回顾影…
- W.C.Fields enters the Warmer Bros. Studio. Beans tries to drive in, but the guard throws him and his car against a tree. Charlie Chaplin drives in, followed by Oliver Hardy on foot - but we see that it's really Beans in disguise. Oliver Owl is directing a picture; Beans sneaks onto the stage. He's watching from a catwa…