搜索 Bethan

  • 该作品用冷静客观的表达方式记录了一群在砖厂里自由成长的孩子。他们的父母在这里打工赚钱。他们因为语言、生活习惯以及经济条件等原因,没有去学校读书,但是他们过的很快乐并且有着超出常人的生存能力
  • Forty-something Saul is a melancholic dreamer, with a tendency to run whenever things go wrong. He returns to Haifa one day for a reckoning with the father he has not seen in five years. But getting along with an airy-fairy mother-in-law with a penchant for new age, a daughter on the verge of adolescence and a father w…
  • 电影剧情
  • 1976年巴西Tropicalia超级组合“Os Doces Bárbaros”在全国举办了巡演,代表着70年代的“Tropicalia”音乐的巔锋时刻。本片记录下ODB激动人心的演出现场和幕后花絮等等,包括70年代独特的巴西社会现状和青年文化。25年后,这四位歌手再次聚集在一起拍摄了一部纪念电影《Outros (Doces) Bárbaros》(2002)。Document…
  • 这部黑白短片给了我一个惊喜,它所记录的是60年代末里约一群还没出名的女性音乐人和艺术家小群体的真实生活,其中几位像Maria Bethânia和Rosinha de Valença是我非常喜欢的巴西女歌手,也是巴西TROPILICA运动的代表人物,唱BOSSANOVA的Silvinha Telles居然也在里面,还有Maria Bethânia的表哥Caetano Veloso,Gl…
  • Portrait of 100 years of latin american cinema.This movie, Enredando sombras, is a medly of short-lenght movies which gives 12 different director's perspectives about latin american cinema. His part is called Jugando en Serio (Playing seriously) which explains the difficulties and joys of movie making.It's really good,…
  • 一直认为桑巴是欢乐天性,但活着的巴西桑巴传奇人物Maria Bethania告诉你:“Samba is sadness dancing”桑巴是悲伤舞动。Maria Bethânia is a living musical legend whose earthy interpretations of Brazilian film music have inspired generations of fans and musical col…
  • Almost 30 years after the first reunion of "Doces Bárbaros" (a gathering of four of Brazil's major pop music stars: Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa and Maria Bethania), the artists involved decided to get together again f…
  • 美丽的海边即将兴建一片高档海景房,这里原有的住户则要被迫搬离。邻居们早早签订赔偿合同,准备迁离,而迷人干练的主妇伊丽莎白•皮斯(Susanne Hausschmid 饰)却不愿离开此地,拒绝签约。她的刚强激怒了凶狠无情的开发商,导致丈夫(Colin Savage 饰)被开发商雇用的打手杀害。伤心欲绝的伊丽莎白丢下儿子,独自来到海边,昏倒之后被年轻的女…
  • Eduardo Coutinho是巴西新浪潮电影运动中的又一位天才导演,虽然他在新浪潮时期只拍摄过两部影片,但却都堪称杰作,这部在剧情上非常复杂新颖的影片是他最好的作品。In a fictitious country, civil servant receives the greatest inheritance in history (ten trillion dollars) and is confin…