- The dark, psychological drama "The Girl in the Bathtub" is inspired by the true story of Julia Law (Caitlin Stasey), a young paralegal struggling with issues of addiction, found dead in her boss’s bathtub in Philadelphia just shy of her 27th birthday. Her boss, a prominent Philadelphia lawyer (played by Jason…
- In this tense tale of psychological terror, Vivian Miller (Shelby Young) is a young twenties woman who's serving out her jail sentence at a work release program in the Midwest. Her 90 days of probation takes her to The Cawdor Barn Theatre, a dilapidated summer stock theater run by Lawrence O'Neil (Cary Elwes). Lawrence…
- 《侏罗纪公园》、《迷失的世界:侏罗纪公园》和《侏罗纪公园三》以及备受期待的《侏罗纪世界》,乐高侏罗纪世纪集合了所有侏罗纪故事,让侏罗纪粉重温和体验所有侏罗纪故事。优酷2019年10月1日上映。