- TV cameras follow the days of professional wrestler Hulk Hogan and his family. His family includes his wife Linda, his daughter Brooke Hogan and his son, Nick Hogan, who usually pull pranks on his family or others.
- ECW(Extreme Championship Wrestling 极限冠军摔角),这个在摔角迷心中有着无上地位的摔角联盟,以其硬派凛冽的风格俘获一大批受够了慢吞吞虚假比赛的死忠。在WWF和WCW日渐沉沦、耽迷娱乐、搞笑怪圈之时,ECW则另辟蹊径,大走硬核路线:铁丝网、狼牙棒、扣钉、桌子、铁椅……各种凶器无所不用其极,使其每场秀都充满血腥暴力而又刺激畅快的气…
- For nearly twenty years, Chris Jericho has stolen the spotlight, becoming one of the most recognized Superstars in sports-entertainment history. Now fans can learn his entire life story, from childhood through his in-ring success internationally, ECW, WCW, and finally WWE, culminating in his becoming the first-ever Und…
- HOGTOWN is set in 1919 Chicago against the backdrop of the race riots of that year. The story follows an investigation into the disappearance of a millionaire theatre owner during a snowstorm. HOGTOWN is a murder mystery that celebrates the most American of American cities while exploring the intimate lives of many of …