搜索 Bok

  • 这是两个意志很不坚定的年轻人,他们乔装从看守所中逃脱出来。当他们知道附近即将有一个儿童训练营开营,在经历了3个月的森林生活后,他们不顾一切的混入训练营,引发了一连串搞笑的事情。
  • 《晚安·科伦坡》是一部庆祝“中斯建交50周年”的贺礼影片,斯里兰卡总统将会在今年2月份两国的建交日来访中国,并邀中国领导人公同观看此片。因此,这部影片具有两国之间文化交流深远的含义。   某杂志社摄影记者韩青青与男友“北极熊”恋爱多年后发生了感情危机。因“北极熊”工作繁忙,两个人经常不能见面。甚至在“北极熊”生日那天,也无…
  • 二战结束,一对犹太兄妹,8岁的安娜和她的哥哥Jan,从欧洲辗转投奔刚刚成立的以色列,希望能找到战乱中失散多年的母亲。他们在移民安置营生活艰苦,来自世界各地的营友们形形色色,营内也有恃强凌弱、偷鸡摸狗。安娜不说话,形影不离的只有一只玩具熊,Jan要不时向营里的地头蛇讨好低头。Jan在营外的合作农场找到了一份工作,最后终于带安娜离开…
  • 当她的弟弟计划抢劫时,一名被监禁的美国印第安人与另一名女子相爱。
  • Some people find her removed from reality. Her older sister Katia even thinks she's stupid. But this is only a first impression, perhaps the result of her subconscious desire to remain a child. Or perhaps, her strange behavior is a defense against the uninspiring life she leads, a cruel existence shared with her sister…
  • Prague-set tale centers on sensitive moppet Terezka (Dorotka Dedkova), whose favorite bedtime story is "Little Red Riding Hood," even though it gives her bad dreams. Her family consists of her loving but tightly wound mother (Jitka Cvancarova), a once-promising singer who put her career on hold; her warm but …
  • SynopsisMiddle-school teacher Myeong-ho (Hwang-hae), who comes from a poor family, and Bu-nam (Yang Hun), whose father is the president of a trading company, attended the same university. When both men develop gastric disordersBu-nam ate too much and Myeong-ho couldn't get enough to eatthe doctor proposes that they exc…
  • 电影惊悚
    Set in the distant future, a female astronaut, shipwrecked on the long-decimated Earth, must decide the fate of the wasteland's remaining populace.
  • Мультипликационный фильм по сказке А. С. Пушкина. Новая жена царя хочет избавится от своей падчеридцы и отправляет её в лес на верную гибель. Царевна находит приют в лесной ч…
  • 电影少女