搜索 Hwang

  • 《潜在的熔岩》讲述了一群训练有素、特立独行的人群,他们被称为“潜伏熔岩”,他们正着手炸毁一座学校。然而这才仅仅是事件的开端,一系列的激战即将开始……
  • A group of friends spend a weekend in a remote mountain cabin and discover something that will change their lives. Now they must fight to stay alive.
  • A film crew road trip into the desert, to cover a major story of kidnappings and mysterious deaths, makes a deadly turn as they are stranded in the middle of nowhere and discover the last living member of an ancient blood thirsty race of creature. The nightmarish creature hunts them by slaughtering and eating the men a…
  • The full story of Heungsik, Ulsik, Bamtol, and Sohyun is now available in animation. based on Lee Kyungsuk’s comic book of the same title, Ulsik the Clumbsy Boy focuses on the wild and unexpectable lives of kids.
  • A gym devoted to training students in the ways of martial arts, runs afoul of a rival gym who are bent on shutting it down.
  • A scholar and a warrior team up to help the Korean laborers in Shanghai who are being exploited by their Japanese conquerors.
  • 韩国乡间农夫Man-taek已经三十八岁依然未婚, 性格仍是吊儿郎当, 对於女性更有着童年阴影'而不敢恭谨. 家中俩佬眼见邻居在中亚国家的乌兹别克相亲成功娶得美人归, 於是提议/强迫Man-taek也参加乌兹别克的徵婚旅行团. 感情同样未有着落的好友Hee-chul亦跟Man-taek一起远赴乌兹别克, 尝试寻找异国情缘. 两人抵达后, 便由女翻译员陪同相睇. M…
  • At a deserted cabin where no one comes around, a man carries in a young woman. He looks at the woman who is unconscious. He starts sobbing as he undresses her layer by layer. Then he has intercourse with her. What made thier relationship so tragic that he had to bring her up all they way to this lonely cabin to do this…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 影片持续跟踪拍摄三星半导体厂工人致病的情况。“这就像我是在一个不同的世界,男人和女人都穿着同一件衣服,它看起来像一个小国家。有工厂、宿舍、甚至医院,只是有点让我感觉很好。我记得第一次在生产线上,真正的机器人在那里工作。“这部电影是一个关于无名人的故事,从他们在一个无菌工作室内只戴着白色的外套和面具,分不清彼此,到他们因…