搜索 Borne

  • based on the true story of Frank Mitchell who was sprung from Dartmoor Prison by the Krays 10 days before Christmas 1966. Whilst a national manhunt ensued, he was holed up in a flat in East London with a minder and hostess for company. 'The Mad Axeman' is a gripping suspense crime thriller.
  • Three tales of mystery and horror are told from the narration of famed paranormal investigator Eddie Osborne to his newly hired videographer, Will, as they document the supernatural occurrences of an abandoned hotel. The tales Eddie narrates build the foundation of his theory regarding paranormal instances, which he re…
  • It has been years since Ned Stevens, a charming self-made success, lost his wife Kate to cancer. Yet he still can't let go of her memory and move forward with his life.. But when Liz brings home a new boyfriend from college -- Ned finds that his comfortable world is turned upside down as Liz tries to divert his attenti…
  • 1972年10月13日,一架载有45人的客机从乌拉圭飞往智利,但因为遇上风暴坠毁在3900多米高的安第斯山脉上。机上45名乘客中包括乌拉圭的橄榄球手及其家属,21人当场丧生,其余24名幸存者中,8人在逃生中被雪崩夺去生命,16人于同年12月22日之前陆续走出雪域而生还。幸存者为了在冰天雪地的恶劣环境中存活,被迫以遇难者的人肉果腹。
  • 科学与伊斯兰
    物理学家Jim Al-Khalili游历叙利亚、伊朗、突尼斯、西班牙等国,向您展示8世纪-14世纪伊斯兰世界的巨大科学进步。共3集。InformationEpisode 1: The Language of Science.Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great l…
  • 量子力学揭秘
  • 无罪
    第一话:家庭主妇幸子(寺岛忍 饰)偶然救助了殉情女子峰子(坂井真纪 饰),两人由此开始亲近,幸子渐渐被对方豪放的生活方式所吸引,内心压抑的欲望逐渐被唤醒。第二话:在某西式餐馆担任厨师的砂子(中越典子 饰)和有家室的殿村(田中哲司 饰)秘密交往。殿村虽然承诺离婚,却迟迟没有行动。某天,殿村的妻子光子(富田靖子 饰)独自来到店…
  • 威廉·戈尔丁之梦
    The Dreams of William Golding reveals the extraordinary life of one of the greatest English writers of the 20th century.With unprecedented access to the unpublished diaries in which Golding recorded his dreams, the film penetrates deep into his private obsessions and insecurities.His daughter Judy and son David both sp…
  • 微型猛兽世界之旅
    上世纪七八十年代的好莱坞电影里,蚂蚁,蜘蛛,苍蝇,蜜蜂,蜘蛛,蜈蚣等经常是主角。这些在现实世界中体型微小的动物,一旦因为某种异变造成体型扩大数千倍,将造成怎样的灾难?当然,科幻电影毕竟只是幻想。大卫·艾登堡带来了这全新的《微型猛兽世界之旅 Micro Monsters》。本系列采用高端的3D摄影技术,画面极其精美,是不可多得的又一佳作…
  • 双城记
    梅尼特医生(拉夫·迈克尔 Ralph Michael 饰)遭到厄弗里蒙得侯爵(John Abineri 饰)的迫害,含冤入狱十八载。出狱后,女儿露西(Sally Osborn 饰)接父亲去英国居住,途中,两人邂逅了名叫达雷(Paul Shelley 饰)的年轻男子。一路上,达雷对父女两照顾有加,原来,这个善良的男子不是别人,正是侯爵的侄子,他痛恨自己家族的凶残暴戾,放弃了…