搜索 Borne

  • 丛林特战队第一季
    在刚刚结束的意大利Cartoon on the Bay动画节上,来自动画片《The Jungle Bunch》的虎企鹅Maurice获得了最佳卡通形象奖。它是一只企鹅,还是一只老虎?它的孩子为什么是一条鱼?这样一个滑稽的无厘头的设计,反倒让这个角色充满了各种谜团,当然,它的产业价值也随之出现了。那就让我们一同来认识这只奇怪的虎企鹅Maurice吧!此片由法国电…
  • 电视剧喜剧
    Disney+宣布以8集首季直接预订《超越 Just Beyond》,这部诗选恐怖喜剧改编自BOOM!的畅销视觉文学,原作作者是R.L. Stine(就是《鸡皮疙瘩 Goosebumps》的作者)。改编版会由Seth Grahame-Smith负责。
  • 地平线系列冠状病毒特别节目
    In just over 100 days, a new coronavirus has taken an unprepared world by storm, infiltrating every corner of the globe, sending entire nations into lockdown, killing thousands and infecting countless more. Across the world, governments are scrambling to react, hospitals are struggling to cope and an increasingly anxio…
  • 一黑到底
    《喜新不厌旧 black-ish》主创Kenya Barris过去与Netflix签下合约,而他开发的单镜头家庭喜剧《#卓越黑 #blackexcellence》获正式预订。Kenya Barris及《爆笑女警 Angie Tribeca》女主Rashida Jones将担任主演,剧集灵感来自Kenya Barris对父母、人际关系、种族及文化等方面的「不敬但诚实」的态度。
  • 电视剧剧情
  • 原子
    This new BBC commissioned series makes a compelling case against the dumb-it-down trend that has taken over most mainstream science related programming in the last few years.Jim Al-Khalili, the head of theoretical nuclear physics at the University of Surrey, brings absorbing and accessible views on the development of f…
  • 暴走喵经纪第一季
    Cat Agent讲述了爱爆粗的星猫经纪人Cat Agent(喵总)和整天被他欺负的下属Josh(跟班乔)在好莱坞打拼的腥风血雨,贱萌又充满讽刺意味。主创Kent Osborne曾经参与过Adventure Time、Regular Show和海绵宝宝的创作。
  • 一部同志惊悚片。作为LA最成功的塑形外科医生,Sam和妻子在上流聚居区Beverly Hills过着富足的生活,直到某天妻子无意发现他某个阴暗的秘密。1986年Sam将自己的同性恋人Scott杀死,而今Scott的怨灵仿佛挥之不去的想占领他的身体。这一切异常都源于一个撒旦仪式,Sam被迫重开杀戒,向更多年轻漂亮的男妓下手,以摆脱这个诅咒。与此同时一个年轻的…
  • In this movie adaptation of the TV-Show by the same name, we join the three couples in a comedy about divorces, love, child longing, weird parents and unwritten bathing rules in Torekov.
  • A darkly comic, raw and controversial thriller that packs a hard punch at the inequalities and divisions that led to Brexit and Trump's victory. Danny (Jack Roth), an ordinary working class kid, is angry and frustrated at the rough deal he faces. When he confronts Conrad (Tim Bentinck) a member of today's privileged el…