搜索 Boukebza

  • Fresh out of prison, Daniel joins a group of criminals in the Parisian suburbs. There he discovers a world where he is accepted as a friend and 'part of the family'. But has he made the right choice? And will he be finally able to face up to his own responsibilities?
  • 播出时间:9月6日 14:36 CCTV-6播出 艾丽丝从小和母亲生活在一起,她从来不知道自己还有个父亲,直到她17岁。艾丽丝偶然从母亲那里得知父亲是一名著名音乐人,现在已经是乐坛上举足轻重的人物。艾丽丝恨妈妈对她隐瞒了实情,独自一人去寻找父亲。 现在艾丽丝的父亲托尼作为当红明星奥弗利的经纪人,艾丽丝悄悄混进奥弗丽的后台希望可以留下来为…