搜索 Breitfuss

  • After spending three years doing field installation work in West Africa, Fred returns home to his old neighbourhood, an industrial region on the outskirts of a major city. He is filled with confidence and optimism for a new start. He has brought home with him a pile of money that he made in Africa. But he never wrote t…
  • 施佩尔和希特勒
  • 瑞士女导演贝蒂娜·奥波利执导的新片,讲述一名贫苦的波兰女护工去瑞士一富人家工作,继而遭遇受冤、怀孕、夺子大战的荒诞伦理故事,展示了欧洲内部的地域歧视、阶级矛盾、单亲养育、生活目标迷失等问题。影片以明亮的影像色调配合高潮迭起、令人啼笑皆非的喜剧氛围,似邀请观众一同来评断这 理不清的家务事,看人性中的爱、理解与宽容如何化解…
  • 英文简短剧情:Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the mo…