搜索 Broke

  • 电影剧情
    马提奥•布兰科(Lluís Homar 饰)曾是一名风光无限的电影导演,在遭遇车祸失明后,他改名哈瑞•凯恩,以编剧的身份过着平静的生活。2008年的一天,名叫雷(Rubén Ochandiano 饰)的青年拜访哈瑞,雷对一部电影的设想再次开启哈瑞关闭已久的记忆大门。  1994年,马提奥正在筹拍新片,美丽女孩莱娜(佩内洛普•克鲁兹 Penélope C…
  • A story of love and a struggle over the virtues of free will versus destiny. It follows the journey of Reese, who becomes a hitman after he loses his wife and unborn child, as he confronts the forces of love, faith, and destiny.
  • 故事梗概:自从两岁的儿子不幸夭折后,帕米拉就一直郁郁寡欢。而她的好朋友艾丽和丈夫特利也遭遇了这样的困境,特利和前妻曾经有一个孩子,但不到两岁的时候就去世了,他心里一直难以接受这个事实。而妻子为了不触动丈夫的伤疤,也决口不提要孩子的事情。日子一天一天过去,帕米拉的心病日渐严重。在心理医生的鼓励下,她决定说服丈夫收养一个孩…
  • A Brokedown Melody explores the times, travels and experiences of a tribe of surfers who search for the spark of life and look to pass it on to the younger generation. The film follows swell through South America, Polynesia and Jamaica documenting the surfing and times of Kelly Slater, Jack Johnson, Gerry Lopez, Rob Ma…
  • 电影剧情
  • Bollywood Diaries is a tribute to passionate aspiring actors. It chronicles the journey of three unrelated souls, who dream to make it big in Bollywood. The plot encompasses a guy working at a call-center in Delhi, a middle-aged government servant from Bhilai and a prostitute from Sonagachi Kolkata. With their sheer pa…
  • 电影犯罪
    在隐蔽的缦城角落,利欲熏心的贩毒集团不择手段,致使无数人因沾染毒品而家庭破碎、坠落深渊。被毒贩迫害至家破人亡的张耀(张家辉 饰)为复仇,与缉毒队长安渡(阮经天 饰)暗中合作,二人联手做局狠辣除害,誓要将犯罪集团的榜一榜二大哥穆坤和安佩全部铲除。然而没想到在这背后竟藏着一场精心布置的复仇棋局,是同仇敌忾还是各怀鬼胎?在这场…