- 《威尼斯商人》是否像一部现代作品?当你在台上看到一群身着当代服装的演员,仿佛过去400年间人性没有任何改变。来自巴以地区的阿拉伯演员马克拉姆·贾米尔·库利以其坚实的演技和身份的复杂性,极具说服力地演绎了夏洛克日常忍受的偏见与不公,促使人们再度审视当下依旧残留的种族、宗教和少数群体问题;奥利弗奖最佳女主角得主帕琪·费伦饰演…
- Whitney (the band, not the late pop singer) have shared a new video for ‘Polly’. The song appearson their debut album‘Light Upon The Lake,’which theChicagoans released back in June.The video took Tokyo-based animatorSarina Nihei two month…
- One British family embark on an extraordinary time-travelling adventure to discover how the food we eat has transformed the way we live.
- One British family embark on an extraordinary time-travelling adventure to discover how a post-war revolution in the food we eat has transformed the way we live. (1950s-2000s)
- It's Ed and Sarah's first night at their new home - an isolated farmhouse on the Scottish borders. This should be a new beginning away from their stressful London lives. And at first it is; come sunset they fall in love all over again on a wander in the woods. But as darkness falls, Sarah suspects they're not alone, Ed…
- Ranch owner Sandra, fresh from animal husbandry school, brings a flock of sheep into cattle country. The local ranchers don't like it, and ranch foreman Gene must deal with it.