搜索 Bron

  • Strange human-shaped phenomenon appeared in Piotrowski's new flat and he approaches all available institutions to help him get rid of it.
  • 华裔男子阿宗 (Zong) 偶然发现可以利用纳米尔 (Nameer) “偷东西”来做网络直播,而纳米尔对直播这件事却一无所知。随着直播计划变得愈加疯狂,阿宗的女友珍 (Jane) 也卷入其中。在珍与阿宗前女友温迪 (Wendy) 的交谈与回忆中,谜底正在揭开,而纳米尔也必须要做出最终的抉择。
  • 16 岁辍学女孩妮娜,与母亲生活在法国南部一个小山村,平日在恐龙主题观光游览区打着零工。有一天,她亲眼看到陨石落在她家后面的山上。她对好友的哥哥莫拉德一见钟情,不理劝告,与莫拉德在一起。可是,莫拉德的大男子主义,与妮娜张扬不羁的个性,令这段感情变得痛苦和复杂,直至莫拉德选择不辞而別,去阿尔及利亚找他的父亲。相思消沉,妮娜…
  • 《六胞胎》是一部由《小姐好白》《裸婚大喜》的制片人马龙·韦恩斯和里克·阿尔瓦雷斯以及制片人纳森·赖曼(《哈拉猛男秀 2:欧洲种马》)和导演迈克尔·泰兹(《鬼屋大电影》《裸婚大喜》)共同打造的喜剧片,讲述了准爸爸艾伦的故事,他从出生就认为自己是独生子。在寻找生母的过程中,艾伦遇上了哥哥拉塞尔,他从来不知道拉塞尔的存在,拉塞…
  • In the year of 1066AC, William the Conqueror is about to embark from Dives-sur-Mer to conquer England. In the event that he would not return alive, Guillaume introduced his son Robert to his loyal barons to receive the ducal throne heritage.
  • In 1955, NATO and the Allied Forces conducted secret, occult experiments in a bid to win the Arms Race. They succeeded, but what they unleashed almost tore our world apart. Now a group of young urban explorers and a private military unit could become the final pieces in a 60-year plan to reopen a door that should have …
  • Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but does anyone really know the man they call Jack Durant?
  • You can not pay your bill. Your heat and lights are cut. You pay. The clocks initially flash 88:88. You set the clocks. You can not pay. You pay. 88:88. Repeat. 88:88. Cut. You stop setting your clock to the time of the world. 88:88. Subtracted. You make do with suspension. 88:88.