搜索 Broughton

  • Fresh-faced rich boy virgin Dan meets teen webcam prostitute Flora in a chat room. Aside from business, there's a real connection between them. Flora wants to get out of this game but she has a young daughter to feed. Their virtual attraction soon becomes real when by bizarre coincidence, they both end up in a filmmaki…
  • Liverpool 1 focused on Detective Constable Isobel De Pauli (Samantha Womack), a successful Metropolitan Police detective. Her partner's career move to Liverpool in turn sees De Pauli transferred there. Upon arrival she is partnered with introverted DC Mark Callaghan (Mark Womack), a no-nonsense officer brought up on th…
  • For hundreds of millions of Sufi followers worldwide, music is at the heart of their tradition and a way of getting closer to God. From the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey to the qawwali music of Pakistan, Sufism has produced some of the world's most spectacular music celebrated by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Dalrymple…
  • 故事背景设定在1980年代的冷战时期。谢菲尔德,作为皇家空军基地的所在地,以及重要的钢铁、能源和化工生产基地,扮演着战略和经济的重要角色。故事的主人公是露丝和吉米,两人正忙于准备他们的婚礼和迎接即将出生的第一个孩子。在这个重要的人生阶段,他们像大多数谢菲尔德的居民一样,忙于日常生活,对远在伊朗发生的国际政治动荡关注不多。然…
  • Tchaikovsky’s musical scores are lyrical, romantic and deeply emotional. This film endeavours to put the composer in context alongside Tolstoy as one of the most celebrated Russians of his time, examining his continuing significance in Rus…
  • The Gardener of Eden is a short avant-garde movie by James Broughton (who has filmed it on Sri Lanka in 1981) with one main actor (Bevis Bawa) and many shots on flowers and on a few faces of young or mature men. This short has no clear plot but it has great atmosphere of long mythological concept awaken by the figure o…
  • 一部鸟瞰俄罗斯大国文化的电影巨制、一部见证俄罗斯历史的音乐传奇、揭示鲜为人知的帝国秘密、解读俄罗斯不朽的音乐文化。本片所涉及的俄罗斯音乐家:柴科夫斯基、斯特拉文斯基、格林卡、巴拉基列夫、肖斯塔科维奇、米亚斯科夫斯基、穆索尔斯基、阿尔沃·派尔特、里姆斯基一科萨科夫、博尔特尼扬斯基、垃赫玛尼诺夫、古拜杜利娜、斯维里多夫、马…
  • 2004年巴伐利亚影展最佳纪录片奖2005年德国影展最佳纪录片奖与最佳剪辑奖2005年德国影评人协会最佳纪录片奖2005年美国纳什维尔电影节音乐影片特别奖2005年德国艺术影院行会最佳纪录片奖“音乐不是奢侈品,而是必需品,就像我们得以生存的空气和水。”柏林爱乐乐团现任首席指挥塞蒙•莱托爵士(Sir Simon Rattle)如是说。 2003年的1月,…