搜索 BruceMarchiano

  • 《启示之路:是结束也是开始》是2013年上映的一部动作电影。主要讲述了乔希是一个平凡的旅行推销员。但是,在错误的时间,来到了满目疮痍的西德克萨斯城。所以,发生了一连串的不幸的事情。所以,也导致了他要面对一个叫做邪恶野蛮人的摩托车黑帮…于是,紧接着,天空突然的一闪烁,带来了一系列的严重地震,整个世界都已经陷入到了混乱当中。有…
  • people who all end up at this diner when the road washes away, and they find themselves in the presence of a man who calls himself Jesus. "it's set in the vein of that John Cussak movie Identity - it's a faith mystery thriller" - David A.R. White   It’s a Twilight Zone-ish tale about a disparate group of trav…