搜索 Buldakov

  • Several friends (General Ivolgin, huntsman Kuzmich and Leva Soloveychik) decide to spend their vacation by fishing. Taking with themselves a large helping of vodka, they sail off, but quickly find themselves without much understanding as to their present location. Finally reaching some shore, which they mistakenly beli…
  • The film is based on the biography of the legendary Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.
  • 故事发生在1944年的喀尔巴阡山脉。乌克兰方面军根据最高统帅部的命令,先后派遣三个特别小分队,欲查清德军油库所在地并摧毁它。由于派遣人员全部遇难,最高统帅部便直接派第四个特别行动小组,由经验丰富的多尔金泽夫大尉率领。他们潜入敌后,虽多次陷入敌方圈套,但又多次化险为夷。最后经过殊死搏斗,终于摸进异常隐蔽的敌军油库 ,拉动了紧…
  • The creation of a truly memorable movie character is a complex process: it’s not simply a case of having a great script or a talented actor; equal attention must be paid to the world in which the character finds himself and the other figur…
  • 影片讲述了1943年的伟大卫国战争,苏联英雄亚历山大·费奥多罗夫在乌克兰境内搜集情报并在科韦利铁路枢纽开展游击战,英勇打击德国侵略者的故事。