搜索 Burkert

  • Many of Pina Bausch's works have been known for their sombre themes of human struggles with alienation and angst. Walzer, a lesser-known but precious performance film, is one of the lightest and "approachable" ones with its bouts of absurdity and humour. An example of Pina’s "sunny period," which se…
  • 哥特式风格故事,背景设定在1880的伦敦,男爵在挖坟埋在父亲之时偶然的找回了遗留在他父亲口袋的中奖彩票,随后他脸上露出了诡异的笑容。影片的广告噱,”Punishment Poll(惩罚投票)“,当影片情节进行到高潮部分时, 导演Castle突然出现在荧幕上给观众解释如何行使自己的投票权。每一位观众手里拿到了一张印有拇指的卡片,他们可以任一做出上…