- The life of Antonio Vivaldi, called "the red priest", his relationship with the world and the Church, his spiritual battles, his love for a woman.
- A surgeon seeks his revenge on his unfaithful wife's lover by convincing him that he must have a deadly heart operation
- Eric Woolfson's POE to centerstage with no less than the vocal virtuoso Steve Balsamo in the leading role and veteran stage actor David Burton as Poe's nemesis Rufus Griswold. Not only is the music itself exceptional but so is the story it tells of the trails and tribulations of Edgar Allan Poe thoughout his tragic lif…
- 华灯初上的夜晚,哥谭市正在举行盛大的年度人物颁奖晚会,野心勃勃的总统候选人莱克斯·卢瑟(Clancy Brown 配音)输给风流倜傥的布鲁斯·韦恩(Troy Baker 配音),心有不甘。正在掌声雷动的时刻,小丑(Christopher Corey Smith 配音)带领爪牙大闹典礼,洗劫钱财。关键时刻,蝙蝠侠(Troy Baker 配音)和罗宾(Charlie Sc…
- D大调第九号交响曲由古斯塔夫·马勒于1909年至1910年间所作,此曲连同‘大地之歌’,成为第十套由马勒创作之交响曲。由于马勒未完成第十号交响曲便已与世长辞,故此首第九号交响曲,亦是马勒生前最后完成之交响曲。本曲于1912年6月26日由维也纳爱乐管弦乐团及布鲁诺·瓦尔特带领下作首演。当时马勒已经离世,因此亦没法亲临首演。本曲同时亦是马…