搜索 Burz

  • 13 year old Pattie is a member of a clique of crash-kids. Out of boredom and frustration, they steal cars to drive around and crash them and others on the way. The police does know the kids, but is helpless, since they're under-age. However the insurance companies want their money back and set Pattie's mother under pre…
  • 一个受到意大利著名画家卡拉瓦乔影响而展开的旅程,影片由这旅程中的数个小片段而组成。 奥尔特列奇、那不勒斯、罗马……三个城市,两个爱情故事引出了一个同性恋男子在夜晚追寻失踪美少女的神秘游记……
  • A story about love, violence and a bizarre shelter for men. This sensitive drama from director Philipp Muller-Dorn) follows the stories of several men who are victims of domestic abuse as they bond while living at a shelter and attempt to put their lives back together.
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影灾难
  • 北达科它洲脚踏实地的牧羊人Stoney生病后,被分居的女儿Kate诱骗到明尼阿波利斯市进行治疗,并鼓励他与孙子Charles重建关系。Charles是个彻头彻尾的城市小子,爱说俏皮话,着迷于电脑,与祖父在一起完全的不自在。Stoney最要好的朋友 Shuck 在得知他被“囚禁”在医院后,冲向大城市来解救他。带着认为应该改变一下生活方式的·孙子Charle…
  • Tiny Tim stars in his first dramatic film role in this taut drama. A Beautiful young girl, Jill Robinson, returns to her peaceful rural home town to find that her life has been turned upside down. The house she grew up in has been defaced, her parents are missing, and the whole town hates her father, the bank superviso…
  • 电影生活
    菲力斯·范·古宁根([漂亮男孩])、夏洛特·冯黛梅尔许([爱之变奏曲])将共同执导并执笔[八座山](The Eight Mountains,暂译)。故事根据保罗·科格内蒂撰写的意大利同名畅销书改编,讲述一个年轻的城市男孩和一个年轻的牛仔几十年间的友谊。男孩和父母一起去避暑山庄度假,和牛仔一起在山中漫游,日子无忧无虑。多年以后两人重新取得联系,但各自…