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  • Jebadiah lived on his land for many years. He worked the land, and kept it alive. Jebadiah also hated trespassers. When he died defending his right to remain on his land, he was buried there. That was a month ago. Now there are strangers on his land again, and they want to make his land their own. Jebadiah still hates …
  • The film depicts Maximilian Schell playing himself investigating the life and influences of Franz Kafka played by Christopher Chaplin, and marked Jireš' return to Czech New Wave after having worked with television and documentaries for a n…
  • 一个有自杀倾向的退伍军人在一个冲浪疗养项目里找到了志同道合的人。该项目是通过冲浪帮助那些受过创伤的士兵康复。在这个成功的纪录片中,伊拉克战争老兵鲍比·莱恩与他的几个英雄同伴们共同通过冲浪应对严重的创伤。Resurface is a documentary about military veterans who use surf therapy to cope with PTS…
  • A young man goes to his parents house over the weekend and is scared to death when he starts to receive phone calls from a psycho who might be inside the house.
  • What seems like an innocent wine tasting weekend turns into a bizarre, wicked, sensually overheated debauchery, culminating in a murderous grand finale evening and fateful morning after.
  • 电影动作
    美丽的大学校园里,大梦乐队主唱曾浩兵(沈建宏 饰)和篮球社社长张荒(陈向熙 饰),因为各自学生社团招新以及活动的场地问题产生了冲突。本来胜券在握的曾浩兵却被拳击系女生莫乱(卓文萱 饰)的突然出现打乱了阵脚。为了“招安”对方,身为艺术才子的曾浩兵想尽了一切泡妞大法,却对性格直爽的莫乱毫无吸引力,然而不经意间他发现了莫乱内心…
  • 由三位城中炙手可熱的KOL擔任主持,專責K.O.社會上最惹人垢病的熱門話題。每集邀請不同領域的意見領袖及網上紅人現場互相質詢,剖析熱門話題來龍去脈,錯綜複雜的人物關係及恩怨情仇。
  • Only a select few actors become international stars in their time, but none had as unique a career as Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin was the first true film star, and he managed to do so even when films were still silent.
  • After Tom's and Jack's death, Becky and Jill continue their journey in the zombie apocalypse. Their goal is only to survive, until they see the mysterious signs for a sanctuary.