- The word "Hippocampus" was inspired by the hippocampus, a part of the brain located in the temporal lobe, which plays a key role in the learning process and in the formation of new memories about events lived. It is the hippocampus, which connects all the different parts of an experience to form an episodic m…
- 日本動畫集團「Studio 4°C」改編自1979年電影的九分鐘短片《耶穌 – My Last Day》Studio 4°C向來都會承接許多五花八門的企劃案,讓動畫迷對於該團隊所跨領域之廣,充滿驚奇與敬佩之心。這一部改編自1979年同名真人電影版《Jesus》的動畫《My Last Day》,便是近來最新的國際作品。只要進入YouTube網頁,即可得知這段動畫短片其實是由…