搜索 Candido

  • A Life he never asked for, A Curse he didn't want. When a Civil War soldier is left to die after being attacked by a Vampire, he's given a choice, turn or die. Now, after decades of being undead, Joe finally has something to live for when he crosses paths with a beautiful woman who is fascinated with his life. But when…
  • An insurance adjuster from Iowa is sent to settle several death benefit claims in Los Angeles. He soon discovers all the victims were carrying invitations to a non existent club called "The Tsunami Beach Club". As he begins to investigate he becomes swept up in a far-reaching conspiracy regarding a rash of ba…
  • 父亲死后,朱尼尔受到启示,展开自己的生命之旅。经过了两年的流浪生活,朱尼尔回到故乡埋葬自己的父亲,埋葬自己的童年记忆。但是他一回到这里便发现自己当初的出走并没有给当地人们造成任何影响。他的孩提伙伴杰森、初恋情人萨拉,还有属于自己的那段羞辱痛苦往事,统统都还在……困绕着他。这部获奖影片是菲律宾籍-加拿大导演Romeo Candi…
  • 电影
    葡萄牙名導Tiago Guedes第五部劇情長片以一幕美麗懾人的場景作為開場,靜謐的鄉村小鎮卻發生一連串慘案,永遠改變了Joao Fernandez的一生。20年後,葡萄牙受右翼的第二共和國政權統治,這時的Joao已是名富有的地主,並成為家族裡最具主見的領導人。由Joao帶領的家族勢力在接下來的40餘年,都將在葡萄牙歷史中佔有重要地位,不僅與動盪不定的政治…
  • Marina Abramovic travels through Brazil, in search of personal healing and artistic inspiration, experiencing sacred rituals and revealing her creative process. The route is comprised of poignant encounters with healers and sages from the Brazilian countryside, exploring the limits between art and spirituality. This ex…
  • Luisa, a Portuguese Supreme Court Judge, is given the Camarate File, the investigation of the accident that led to the death of Portuguese Prime-Minister and his accompanists on December the 4th, 1980. She must decide whether the case goes to trial or is to be archived...
  • 2019年巴西的“冲奥片”。本片以巴西著名诗人JorgedeLIMA所著的诗篇为灵感,巴西著名导演卡洛斯·迭戈执导,文森特·卡索主演,讲述了一个马戏团之家的五代传人的故事。从“神奇大马戏团”自1910年创立起至今,观众将在永不衰老的典礼主持人“CELAVI”的带领下,探索家族五代传人的爱与冒险之旅,领略马戏团从创立到没落的历程以及最后令人惊艳…
  • 电视剧
    In the future, technology will be able to make the lives of every kid easier. See what happens when childhood curiosity leads to chaos in Circuit Breakers, premiering November 11 on Apple TV+ .
  • 明天同志们