- The Durati family lead an idyllic, secluded life in the middle of the countryside, surrounded by olive groves. Their daily routines are not particularly spectacular, although the eldest daughter is soon to be married and each of the family members is preparing for the wedding in their own way.The film makes no secret o…
- 小智和皮卡丘等一行伙伴在旅途中前行。某日,宝可梦波尔凯尼恩从天而降并被迫与小智锁在了一起。波尔凯尼恩与被人类伤害过的宝可梦们共同生活,因此非常讨厌人类,但这条神奇的锁链却让他们无法分开,奇妙的故事就此开始。小智与皮卡丘又将一起开始新的冒险…… 另一方面,在超级机关城市阿佐特王国,大臣贾维斯得到了常年追求的终极发明——50…