搜索 Canlas

  • 来自菲律宾的同志佳作,纯情少男,遇上帅哥兄弟,校园内外,慾望被觉醒,但意想不到的真相,却在不远处快将被揭破。口碑甚佳的一部亚洲作品,恋上第一个真正的朋友,纯真会否从此消逝?高材生 Felix 终日埋首学业,希望藉此脱贫,他没有朋友,有时会寂寞。一天,学校来了一位新同学 Magnus,他跟弟弟 Maxim 二人都跟 Felix 成为了好朋友,F…
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  • A young boy frequently visits an old man who lives alone, keeping him always in good company. One night, he chances upon the old man watching a dated clip of himself as a cross-dressing boy. This sparks within the young boy an interest to find out more about the old man's past. What he ultimately discovers aids both hi…