搜索 Cao

  • Jairo Ferreira(1945-2003)是上世纪70年代巴西最重要的实验短片导演,巴西“边缘电影”(Cinema Marginal)的代表人物之一,本片选自去年底出版的一套《Jairo Ferreira实验短片全集》DVD一共4碟收入其全部8部导演作品。Homege to the poet Sousandrade, filmed in St. Louis, his hometown.
  • Genre FictionDirector Bruno SafadiCast Gustavo Falcao, Ivan Cardoso, Mariana XimenesYear 2003Duration 15 minutesColor B & W35mm gaugeCountry BrazilAntonio wants to give his girlfriend, the prostitute Ioio, a star. He meets a salesman who claims he can get one for him, with certificate included! After many negotiations,…
  • From LockermaisonI recorded this movie off PBS one day when I was in college. Didn't know what I was recording, I just habitually recorded things off of PBS at the time. As an Asian American myself, I found this to be an excellent overview of the experiences and feelings that we encounter from the more ignorant and rac…
  • Cao Hamburger是2000年之后一位比较有名的巴西电影导演,他06年的新片《独自在家》(http://www.douban.com/subject/1962963/)获得过多个国际奖项,但很少有人知道他最初在80年代其实做泥塑动画的。这是他早期的两部动画短片之一。
  • 感觉不如Ana Carolina的第一部《玫瑰海》好,不过也不错,魔幻现实 女性主义。84年葡萄牙幻想电影节最佳影片提名。Financial and administrative problems in a religious school for girls force the Government to interfere. While waiting in the conference hall to communicate…
  • 巴西纪录片讲述巴博萨三姐妹的悲惨往事,先天性盲人在社会中遇到的种种不幸和歧视。Three blind sisters, Regina, Maria and Conceicao, earn their living by singing in front of churches, in Brazil... They tell their amazing stories, full of drama, heartache, rape, po…
  • 电影
  • 埃杜与罗拉是一对新婚的夫妻。由于丈夫经常外出旅行,两人对此产生矛盾。在一次争吵中,埃杜试图像往常一样装死来逃避问题,不料发现自己真的死在了床上。埃杜的灵魂进入了另一个世界,他再也看不到活生生的妻子。为了再见一面伤心欲绝的爱妻,埃杜向另一个灵魂求助。终于,在棺材合上的刹那,埃杜活了过来,并于罗拉共度了最后一个夜晚。