搜索 Cao

  • 故事讲述了两对比邻而居的夫妇,由于两个他们以前认识的不速之客的到来,使他们的婚姻陷入了麻烦中。第一对夫妇卡洛斯和安娜住在大楼的第七层。安娜认为她有资格得到丈夫更多的爱。突然有一天,安娜几年前的老朋友托马斯又出现了,还住在了他们的家里。Andea和Miguel住在路对面的大楼里,同样也在经历婚姻危机。在一次聚会上,他们遇见了Mig…
  • 《豪华同志电影史》片如其名,不管是文献份量、受访者的代表性、以及论述纵深,都称得上无比“豪华”!电影从50年代谈起,纪录六十年来大屏幕对同志题材的呈现与转折。除了邀请到奥斯卡最佳导演李安、金棕榈最佳导演葛斯凡桑、柏林影展金熊奖得主托德海恩斯、约翰卡麦隆米契尔等巨擘现身说法,畅谈创作理念与作品意义外,更搭配性别及媒体研究权…
  • Fat Girls is an original off-beat comedy feature. It focuses on Rodney Miller, not your typical Texas high school student...he is a theater lover and his ultimate dream is to be on Broadway. Awkward and shy, he doesn't have many people to talk to in his small Texas town that understand him. He ends up finding what he w…
  • 炎热的夏日, 一个罗马的寡妇 Laura Rossellini 在阿尔加维海滩过暑. 一天她发现一个躺在橡皮筏里的受伤的男子 Robert 被冲到了海边. 她把他带回了家, 当他苏醒后, 慢慢对她讲述了自己的故事, 他们彼此间也逐渐萌生了好感. 直到一群士兵突然出现, 来寻找 Robert...
  • 电影冒险
    骁勇善战的秦朝大将军蒙毅(成龙饰)受秦始皇所命,负责护送玉漱公主(金喜善饰)入秦为妃,一路上彼此情愫暗生,可蒙毅还是选择了效忠君主。秦始皇病危,蒙毅去拿长生不老药并战死沙场。而公主试药成功,在秦王死后被禁在秦王陵中……  几千年后,梦中的神秘白衣女子缠绕考古学家Jack(成龙饰)多年,一次好友William(梁家辉饰)邀他一同前…
  • Andi is the wife of Tim, who is collecting venom from poisonous eels on a tropical island. She comes to visit him, and having missed him for some time, has torrid sex with him at every occassion. This attracts the attention of Dak, who was raised in a chauvinistic culture and is very attracted to Andi. Tim becomes obse…
  • 热带天堂
    A race for passion and power lives in the metropolitan area, Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro. A faithful, spotless young man and a ruthless manipulative lad compete on who to take over the company of a powerful man. Concurrently, two identical twin sisters with different natures and ideals.
  • 电影剧情
    故事开始于1962年的一个早晨,一位名为纸月(吴琴琴 饰)的女孩走进了油麻地小学的校门,成为了这里的转学生,她的到来吸引了校长桑乔(杜源 饰)之子桑桑(曹丹 饰)的注意。为了能够接近纸月,桑桑做了一系列惹人注目的蠢事,最终落得了令人啼笑皆非的下场。学校的文艺汇演即将拉开序幕,美丽的纸月名正言顺的成为了女主角,桑桑本以为自己能…
  • Joca, a Brazilian boy of 13, and Basano La Tatuada a Paraguayan indigenous girl living on the border between the two countries, marked by the waters of the Rio Apa. Joca is in love with Basano and wants to do everything to win her love.