- 故事讲述了两对比邻而居的夫妇,由于两个他们以前认识的不速之客的到来,使他们的婚姻陷入了麻烦中。第一对夫妇卡洛斯和安娜住在大楼的第七层。安娜认为她有资格得到丈夫更多的爱。突然有一天,安娜几年前的老朋友托马斯又出现了,还住在了他们的家里。Andea和Miguel住在路对面的大楼里,同样也在经历婚姻危机。在一次聚会上,他们遇见了Mig…
- Fat Girls is an original off-beat comedy feature. It focuses on Rodney Miller, not your typical Texas high school student...he is a theater lover and his ultimate dream is to be on Broadway. Awkward and shy, he doesn't have many people to talk to in his small Texas town that understand him. He ends up finding what he w…
- Andi is the wife of Tim, who is collecting venom from poisonous eels on a tropical island. She comes to visit him, and having missed him for some time, has torrid sex with him at every occassion. This attracts the attention of Dak, who was raised in a chauvinistic culture and is very attracted to Andi. Tim becomes obse…
- Joca, a Brazilian boy of 13, and Basano La Tatuada a Paraguayan indigenous girl living on the border between the two countries, marked by the waters of the Rio Apa. Joca is in love with Basano and wants to do everything to win her love.