- 2006. Léo (Cauã Reymond) is a freelance journalist covering events for newspaper outside São Paulo, the city where he lives. He is in serious financial problems worsened due to payment delays. Angela (Luiza Mariani) shares the apartment w…
- 故事讲述了两对比邻而居的夫妇,由于两个他们以前认识的不速之客的到来,使他们的婚姻陷入了麻烦中。第一对夫妇卡洛斯和安娜住在大楼的第七层。安娜认为她有资格得到丈夫更多的爱。突然有一天,安娜几年前的老朋友托马斯又出现了,还住在了他们的家里。Andea和Miguel住在路对面的大楼里,同样也在经历婚姻危机。在一次聚会上,他们遇见了Mig…
- 1994年巴西获得世界杯冠军后所拍摄的一部足球纪录片,虽然我不是巴西队的球迷,但还是能从片中感受到巴西人对足球运动的热爱。A sensational film, but for who loves the soccer only. That sporting documentary, tell the history of the World Cup of Soccer of 1994, in the USA, gai…
- The Noite com Danilo Gentili (English: Overnight with Danilo Gentili is a Brazilian television program hosted by the stand-up comedian Danilo Gentili, which is currently produced and broadcast by SBT. Gentili, previously, presented for about three years the Agora É Tarde, from March 29, 2011 until December 31, 2013, on…