搜索 Capalbo

  • 格林纳威的这个雄心勃勃的三部曲计划,将成为涵盖多种媒介的百科全书,而电影只是这一庞大规划中的一部分。他将拍摄总长达18个小时、共3部电影,1套电视剧,数张CD-ROM和DVD,以及开展网络活动。他试图超越电影胶片的艺术实践,通过采用与电影相关的几种电子媒介的组合与观众建立更灵活多样的互动关系,以不同方式进行艺术表达,最终达到电影艺…
  • 影片讲述了一个50多岁的建筑商人保罗,经常责怪正处于青春期的儿子马蒂奥缺乏雄心壮志,而他们父子之间又缺乏适当的交流。一天,保罗巧遇当年为自己背黑锅坐牢的旧友迪亚哥,后迪亚哥遭受车祸住院养伤,将自己女儿妮娜寄居在保罗家。而马蒂奥从一开始就对妮娜表现出一种敌意,两个少年男女之间微妙的爱恨关系与上一辈之间的新仇旧恨交织在一起,…
  • It's 1945 spring. Italia is fifteen years old and she's falling in love. Italia is sensitive and independent although she was born and grew up in a farmers' family in Veneto. Italia reads, daydreams and establishes a strong bond with the marvelous landscape that surrounds her. The object of her young infatuation is Far…
  • This movie is based on the life of Saint Edith Stein. She was a German nun of Jewish descent who had converted to Catholicism. Much of her early life was spent as an outspoken academic. There, according to the movie, she feuded with Joseph Heller, a fellow professor with right wing beliefs. In 1933, after Jews were no …
  • A rich middle aged American woman unexpectedly discovers her true origin after her parents have died. Deeply moved, in the midst of an identity crisis, she decides to travel, hoping to find the natural mother she has never known. She therefore goes to a small and remote place in the south of Italy, Montedoro. She finds…