搜索 Carnaghi

  • 一个名叫莫卡诺的火星人因为宠物狗被地球人的探测器砸死而到地球寻仇,结果因飞碟事故流落到布宜诺斯艾利斯。由于孤单寂寞,莫卡诺在网上创造了一个虚拟的火星世界,也由此结识了小男孩朱利安,只是他们的友谊,注定要经过一番波折……
  • A computer programmer who, after his train breaks down, takes to wandering aimlessly through remote regions of La Pampa, Viedma and Carhue. he meets a succession of equally lost souls, including a globe-trotting gambler, a circus owner whose performers left him "because the whole country was a circus: and a tarot …