搜索 Carreras

  • 平庸的演员卡耶塔诺Cayetano(豪尔赫·波塞尔饰)与妻子卡罗拉Carola(苏珊娜·特拉韦尔索饰)驱车前往马德普拉塔,目的是与未曾谋面的何塞José(马里奥·萨帕赫饰)签一份工作合同。在路上,他们看到一幅宣传著名色情演员费德里科·卢帕Federico Lupa(阿尔韦托·奥尔梅多饰)一部新影片的广告。此前,费德里科和何塞经常以工作为借口与许多漂…
  • The triumvirate of tenors blend classical arias with an encore round of popular Italian ballads in this concert special from the Musicale Fiorentino Teatro Opera in Rome. Experience the emotion, the excitement and the triumph of the greatest classical event of our time, captured as never before in studio-quality vision…
  • 1994年,世界杯足球赛决赛之夜在美国洛杉矶道奇体育场举办的三大男高音演唱会,是音乐史上空前绝后聚集全球15亿观众同时欣赏之世纪盛会。本专辑收录世界名歌、好莱坞名曲等二十余首,加收一首电视未转播的精彩安歌(Encore,又译“安可曲”),全长112分钟,是三大男高音超越巅峰之后的最后巨献,雅俗共赏。1990年是三位男高音个人声音状态和艺…
  • The mummy of an ancient Egyptian ruler comes murderously unraveled when a team of foolish archaeologists disturb his centuries-long sleep. A classic 1964 horror flick from Hammer Films.
  • A documentary which shows, in great detail, the making of the 1985 Bernstein-conducted recording of the entire score of "West Side Story", featuring operatic stars.
  • An anthology of three Edgar Allan Poe stories--"The Case of Mr. Valdemar," "The Cask of Amontillado" and "The Tell-Tale Heart."
  • 改编自真实的故事,讲述一座阴森隔绝的精神病院里女人的遭遇,全片绝大部分场景都是在封闭压抑的环境中拍摄,女主角Mercedes Carreras因出色的演技而获得当年莫斯科国际电影节最佳女演员奖。Assisted by a ward nurse, a group of young men enjoy occasional romantic rendezvous with the willing fe…
  • 著名的品酒師查理阿托朗諾因失去其敏銳的味蕾而被排除在葡萄酒世界之外,當他的老婆決定要為一名新星年輕品酒師盧卡做經紀人,更讓查理陷入酸楚的怨懟之中無法釋懷,他決定重回品酒大賽,他戴上面具匿名參賽,到底這位蒙面品酒俠是否能夠打敗盧卡,並贏回老婆的歡心呢?