搜索 Porcel

  • A melancholy reflection on the power of desire, suspended between the dream and urgency of the flesh, in which attraction is also horror. A mysterious and retro-technical nightmare at Leos Carax, where the fiction is reality and only those who love can get out of it. An erotic dream for a night and characters who navig…
  • 电影剧情
    一次考古发掘出稀世珍宝——五彩大瓶 一个电话惊扰了考古专员郑一鸣。不得已他必须暂时离开考古现场,却遭遇车祸险些丧命。稀世珍宝押送途中遭遇神秘调包,让一切美梦成为泡影。面对埋怨、指责、情敌的逼迫,丈母娘的刁难,他不得已踏上寻宝之路……新任集团董事长的马阜明,豪情万丈,拍下五彩大瓶,却是赝品。 面对责难和舆论的压力,与郑一鸣…
  • 本片是导演早期的剧情长片之一,以讽刺地展现生活的怪异、死亡和阴暗面而出名。在这部黑色喜剧中,一位与卑劣且冷漠的家人同住的老人喜爱跟一个坐在特制轮椅上的残疾人交往。当老人发现大多数的残疾人都拥有这样的“交通工具”后,突发奇想要为自己设计一辆特殊的单车。但当他向家人分享这个愿望时,遭受的却是冷眼与不无好意的响应……
  • 平庸的演员卡耶塔诺Cayetano(豪尔赫·波塞尔饰)与妻子卡罗拉Carola(苏珊娜·特拉韦尔索饰)驱车前往马德普拉塔,目的是与未曾谋面的何塞José(马里奥·萨帕赫饰)签一份工作合同。在路上,他们看到一幅宣传著名色情演员费德里科·卢帕Federico Lupa(阿尔韦托·奥尔梅多饰)一部新影片的广告。此前,费德里科和何塞经常以工作为借口与许多漂…
  • A young couple coming to terms with issues of trust and fidelity in the days leading up to their wedding. A peek inside the lives of a young, soon-to-be-married couple and their small circle of friends.
  • It's the late 1990's and Amsterdam-based writer Gerard F. Zwaen (Peter van de Witte) is not having the best of times. He is in the middle of a divorce, his standing as a writer is dwindling, his latest novel 'The Spider...' is not getting the acclaim he feels it deserves and he needs money. But with adversity comes opp…
  • 电视剧剧情