搜索 Catharine

  • 在Faron Hallowell只有11岁时,她被送到精神病院,原因是她射杀一位当地气象预报员未遂,她自称那是外星人交给她的秘密任务。现在已经是5年之后,她被释放并恢复正常,她想要普通的生活。但过去的阴霾依然困扰着她,她将不得不使用自己不可思议的能力,再次保护家乡,探寻自己的身份之谜。
  • "Through the Looking Glass" tells the story of a very rich lady named Catherine who has it all:a beautiful villa,a nice husband,a cute little daughter,but sexually she is unfulfilled.As she spends another evening naked in front of her mirror,she discovers its a gateway to another dimension. In this new world …
  • 麦克马伦三兄弟,帕特里克、杰克和巴里,出身于爱尔兰天主教家庭,所以,他们一旦结婚就不能离婚。作为老小的帕特里克眼下就与一个犹太女孩订了婚,但他却不肯定这是最佳选择,因为母亲在参加完父亲的葬礼,回爱尔兰寻找她的真爱之前,曾给三兄弟一句忠告:别犯同样的错误。已婚的老大杰克,给人的感觉是家庭美满,但却有婚外情发生。老二巴里有…
  • 母亲、凶手和情妇古罗马的皇后们
    Exploring the role played by extraordinary women in creating, ruling and transforming the Roman Empire, whose influence was felt everywhere from the power struggles of court to the distant provinces.
  • Toni is a smart drug smuggler, living in a luxuriously home by the beach. The pot (ganja) producers pack it in crates, take it from Jamaica to a precise point of New England waters, and dump it in the sea. With no apparent connection with them, a couple of scuba-divers later retrieve the crates to their own boat, then …
  • 在2047年,性是被禁止的,老大哥用机器人来监视每个人。一个年轻的女孩试图智胜政府,这样她就可以和她所爱的男人在一起。