搜索 Cattaneo

  • “小鱼”罗伯特·菲什曼(雷恩·威尔森 Rainn Wilson饰)是名对摇滚极有热情的鼓手,他最大的幻想就是能成为一名超级摇滚巨星。可就是这个极度活跃一心玩儿摇滚的家伙,居然被自己组建的乐队毫不留情地除名了。罗伯特的摇滚之梦瞬间破灭了。二十年后,罗伯特侄子的高中乐队“A.D.D”要寻找一名新鼓手,受过伤害的他此时却是心灰意冷。可对于摇滚…
  • 凯丽安(莎菲尔·波伊斯 Sapphire Boyce 饰)是一个天真烂漫的8岁小女孩,她生活在一个不算富裕的家庭之中,父亲雷克斯(文斯·科洛斯莫 Vince Colosimo 饰)是一名矿工,整天沉浸在他有关蛋白石矿石的幻想之中。凯丽安有一个哥哥艾斯摩尔(克里斯蒂安·拜尔斯 Christian Byers 饰),照顾这对兄妹的主要责任落在了母亲安妮(杰奎琳·麦根斯 J…
  • 本片描写了兰波和维尔勒努的同性恋情。1871年,17岁的兰波为了追求理想来到巴黎。由于他思想的和当时的文坛格格不入。兰波放弃了做诗人的梦想,和维尔勒努分手。十年之后,兰波去了非洲贩卖枪支...
  • Half-way through his 12-year prison sentence for an incompetent armed robbery, Jimmy Hands gets a lucky break: he's transferred to a prison from which he can probably escape. He convinces the governor to stage a musical in an old chapel next to the prison's outer wall. He rounds up volunteer actors and puts his escape …
  • 根据波兰历史小说家显克微支的同名历史小说改编,讲述精神患有疾病的罗马帝国皇帝尼禄倒行逆施的行径并最终灭亡的过程
  • Stephen Fry returns to his boarding school and befriends a new shy pupil, Bunce and helps him throughout the first term. Fry is often caned by his headmaster for visiting a village sweet shop, which is "out of bounds." On one occasion, Fry convinces Bunce to take the blame, but he cannot bring himself to lie …
  • The first time Sarah tries drugs is the first time she goes out with Tim, who was a customer of hers in the Dew Drop Inn Cafe. Tom is sweet and cool and after one night, she moves in with him; leaving behind her alcoholic mother and younger sister, Karen. For a while life is great and drugs are just part of the deal an…
  • 西蒙是一位在停尸间工作的年轻病理学家,但却有深度的幻觉症,经常看见停尸间死人复活的错觉。由于工作需要她转往了意大利发展,并结识了他的男朋友,摄影师爱德以及一个神父,此时太平间运送来了一具疑是自杀者的尸体,但神父确定这具尸体并不是自杀造成的,而是另有其因。此时西蒙的幻觉又开始膨胀,死去的死者复活并指引她寻找可疑的线索,随…
  • 暴君焚城记1913