搜索 Cauka

  • It's the midst of 30-year war, when Riga, then free-town, is fighting back both Swedish and Polish armies. City Council is thorn in doubt, as two main spiritual leaders - Head of Catholic monastery of Maria Magladena and head of Lutheran Protestant Church fight for power and influence. Regional aristocracy has their in…
  • 二战前的欧洲,早慧的女孩比莱在狭小简陋的公寓中长大。父母虽然疼爱她,却也因为生活拮据而经常争吵、忽视她,这让比莱感到既无奈又困惑。还好,书籍和电影中的故事带她脱离现实的束缚,让她乘上想象的飞船,追寻理想中的梦幻乐园。就这样,比莱逐渐长大,完成了从小女孩到淑女的蜕变。导演通过现实和梦境片段的穿插描写、特效与真人拍摄的结合…