- Comedy in two segments. In "Roy, o Gargalhador Profissional" ("Roy, the Professional Cackler"), a man gets a job as member of a claque, in a TV Show. In "O Ibrahim do Subúrbio" ("The Ibrahim from the Suburb"), a poor Brazilian tailor dreams of taking part in the high life. His gr…
- My name is Vincent. I am a shrink, and also a sex therapist. One of my clients, the mechanic who looks after my beloved Ferrari, has a big problem: his wife just told him her thing is assassins. No crime, no orgasm. I advise François to play along and confess to a fake crime. The only hitch is that on the very next day…
- La curadora que encarna Andrea Montenegro se encuentra obsesionada con una pintura de la que su intuición le dice será la pieza clave de una muestra que prepara y de la que se siente extranamente atraída. Hasta aquí una premisa suficientem…