搜索 Ceci

  • 电影
  • 两个与华盛顿和富兰克林有关系的美国家庭和英国家庭之间的罗曼史
  • 来自菲律宾的同志佳作,纯情少男,遇上帅哥兄弟,校园内外,慾望被觉醒,但意想不到的真相,却在不远处快将被揭破。口碑甚佳的一部亚洲作品,恋上第一个真正的朋友,纯真会否从此消逝?高材生 Felix 终日埋首学业,希望藉此脱贫,他没有朋友,有时会寂寞。一天,学校来了一位新同学 Magnus,他跟弟弟 Maxim 二人都跟 Felix 成为了好朋友,F…
  • 心理惊悚片《万花筒》讲述了一名中年男子与母亲关系崩坏的故事。
  • What begins as a night filled with nostalgic happiness, transforms into something much more sinister, as the daylight begins to fade. And as the sunset casts a shadow on the neighborhood, it provides and ideal backdrop for he who roams it's alleys.
  • Filmmaker Peter Brosnan traces his 30-year mission to excavate the largest movie set built during Hollywood’s silent era from the dunes of a California beach.(from THR)
  • 切婆婆是街边熟食小贩,苦苦经营只得微薄收入,还要给警察交保护费。智障的塔玛拉仅能勉强照顾自己,亲人都舍她而去,寂寞时就捉蜥蜴回家饲养。塔玛拉有天顺手抱了个可爱女婴回家,给她起名“瓢虫”,却不懂如何照料。邻居梅切偶然发现了这个从天而降的娃娃,担心塔玛拉会被控拐带,一边教她带小孩,一边想法子替女婴寻回父母,塔玛拉却已忘记了…
  • 电影
    An orphaned teenager forms an unlikely friendship with a detective. Together they investigate her mother's murder, and uncover the supernatural force that proves to be a threat to her family.
  • One worker sparks a revolution when he attempts to break free of his dystopian underworld.