- L'histoire d'une grande et belle Allemande venue s'installer en France, et recherchant l'homme de sa vie, et de sa taille!
- Casper emerges from a subway station, following a crowd of scared strangers. He encounters a man saying "see the wonders of the moon for ten cents," and offering a sight through a telescope. Casper scares the man away, then uses the telescope to see the moon. He then flies to the moon for a visit. Casper land…
- 在一个宁静的夜晚,小精灵来到了图书馆。他似乎想要借阅一本书,但是他幽灵的身份吓坏了管理员,后者扔下一对书后落荒而逃。在乱七八糟的书堆里,小精灵无意中看到一本关于荷兰的图书。他为荷兰美好的风景所吸引,于是启程前往这个郁金香的国度。经过一夜的飞行,小精灵在清晨时分抵达荷兰一座乡间小镇。一户人家门口的木鞋引起他的注意,他穿上…