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  • 电影历史
    简介:客观的说,本片需要建立在至少看过《TheSeptemberIssue》的基础上,当然最好还有《DianaVreeland:TheEyeHastoTravel》,如果还想再完美一点就是看下《AnnieLeibovitz:LifeThroughaLens》。 与其说是专业的编辑之眼,来鉴定时尚,考究时尚。不如是说借助编辑之眼回顾了时尚历史上最辉煌的VOGUE一路走来的审美情趣,文化的交融,艺术的…
  • 这是一部剪纸动画作品。本片是法国动画学校Supinfocom二年级学生Mélanie Le Bloa的作品。导演对空间的处理非常有意思,让我想起了《盗梦空间》里面的空间变换,真的很有意思。角色的颜色设定搭配以及角色(尤其是片尾家庭主妇)的造型也让人眼前一亮。
  • What's My Line? is a weekly panel game show which was produced by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman for CBS television. The original series, which was usually broadcast live, debuted on Thursday, February 2, 1950 at 8:00 p.m. ET and aired on alternating weeks. On Wednesday, April 12, 1950, the broadcast was moved to alterna…
  • Jonathan, twelve years old, lives with his sister, his mother and also some men. They all have the same face and nest in closets, drawers, TV set ...
  • War for the Web demystifies the physical infrastructure of the Internet and uses that as a basis to explore the issues of ownership and competition in the broadband marketplace, privacy, and security.(IMDb)
  • 动漫偶像
  • 电影剧情
    故事背景放在叙利亚和以色列发生战争期间,叙利亚一座小村庄的女孩拉米雅穿过分隔的铁丝网,嫁给被划归为以色列的邻村表兄,但她爱的是边界瞭望台上的以色列士兵,而这名士兵每天都在望远镜里观看她的行动,早已爱上这个美丽聪慧的16岁女孩。\r\n  \r\n  获威尼斯电影节-2003(第59届)评委会大奖(银狮奖)