搜索 Chahine

  • Chahine mixes documentary and fiction to create a portrait of Egypt’s bustling capital and a major center of the Arab world. The view of Cairo that emerges is a chaotic jumble of poverty, overcrowding, opulence and surging religious intole…
  • 比较经典的一部墨西哥Film Noir片。4/5Jaime Karin is an astrologer, fortune teller and a scam artist, who uses his wife who works in an elegant beauty salon, to find out information on future wealthy clients, through her he learns that a millionair…
  • A slave called Jabbber, wanted to take advantage of the difference between the al-Khalifa, Governor of Baghdad. And Prince, who works with him, this Prince has been unable to send to outside of Baghdad. Jaber volunteer to go to the letter, To the glory of his master, Prince, and to get a girlfriend emerald, it is propo…
  • Karim, mid fourties, lives in France since his early teenage years. For the first time in many years he returns to Lebanon to transfer his father remains, who died during the war, from Beirut to his home village.
  • 埃及导演夏因的“亚历山大三部曲”之一,以二战期间的埃及亚历山大城为背景,人物众多,谋刺丘吉尔的恐怖分子,热爱戏剧的学生,流亡的犹太人等。该片于1979年获柏林银熊奖。夏因在1982年和1990年分别完成了另外两部曲《埃及故事》(tt0084042)和《永恒的亚历山大》( tt0099858)。
  • 埃及国宝级大师导演尤瑟夫·夏因(《亚历山大三部曲》)作品第50届戛纳国际电影节获奖影片一部彻底的非洲苦难史,永恒的杰作拉姆是古代一个沙漠部落头领的儿子,他目睹当地生存环境的艰苦和气候的恶劣以及随之产生的部落内人们的残酷,遂决心到埃及学习先进的农业耕作知识以拯救部落。他不远千里,历经磨难,忍辱负重,在埃及从最低劣的奴隶做起…
  • 2006年7月的黎巴嫩,战争仍在继续。 在24小时的停火期间,马文回到南部村庄寻找他的父亲,却意外与一行人被困于一间狭小的房屋中,很快停火结束,房屋周围再次陷入枪林弹雨。在接下来恐怖而漫长的三天里,他们将面临以色列士兵的包围和攻击。影片巧妙地运用画外空间营造战时恐怖气氛,给人以强烈的压迫与窒息感。