搜索 Chatel

  • 影片讲述了法国人Corentin de Chatelperron,用麻袋等材料,建造了一条廉价的环保船。之后 Chatelperron带着两只母鸡,独自驾驶着这条仅有一个小型温室和几个新奇小发明的“金色孟加拉”,用了6个月环游了孟加拉海湾群岛。并且用摄像机录下了他本次的旅程。
  • 电影剧情
    克莱儿与罗拉从7岁起就是要好朋友,这对闺蜜分享成长过程中所有的甜酸苦痛,然而罗拉在生完女 儿露西后就因病逝世,留下哀伤的丈夫戴维独自抚养女儿。身为教母的克莱儿决心遵守对罗拉的承诺,好好照顾戴维和露西,但自己却陷在好友离去的阴影中,难以平复。   某日她鼓起勇气去探望戴维,却惊见对方戴上假发、一身女装,浓妆艳抹的给婴儿喂奶…
  • 70年代的法国小城。6岁的让要上学了。当老师问同学们的爸爸妈妈做什么工作时,让发现他和别人不一样。紧张的他编出了一个答案:“我妈妈是秘书。”其实,让的妈妈一直在外旅行,她不断给儿子的小邻居米谢尔寄明信片,以便这个已经识字的小女孩把她的旅行故事读给让听。然而事实却另有真相 。今年,在9月到圣诞节这段时间,让渐渐开始懂了……根…
  • "Les Apprentis Sorciers" is a thriller in which the characters are Latin-American exiles living in Paris. It is also a comedy about artists who play at revolution rather than actually participate in one.
  • here is an amusing story about this movie; after its screening at a Japan film festival, the audience was astonished once the film's lead actor came onto the stage. Everyone thought that this film featured a real dying person.As you might guess, JACQUES ET NOVEMBRE is a pseudo-documentary, and a fascinating one- more f…
  • This movie will be dismissed for political reasons. There are a few laughs at the expense of characters that certain reviewers want to see only in an elevated light. But Intern Academy as a film improves as it goes along. The look is at first kind of washed out, but eventually there are some more pleasing sets. I had h…
  • 从前有一个王国,在那里,舞蹈被长年禁止。尽管有父亲的禁令,然而,奥荷在弟弟赞许的目光和帮助下,却从未停止过舞蹈。她就是美丽和优雅的化身。为了拯救王国的衰落,国王不得不将女儿嫁给一个富有的王子,并举办三场盛大的舞会。得知国王的计划后,王后试图反对他的丈夫,以便女儿能够嫁给真正爱的男人:一位除了艺术外一无所有的画家。奥荷要…