搜索 Cheng

  • 电影游戏
    现实与想象总是有很大差距,梁致远(胡军 饰)走出校门踏入社会后,既感到社会上人事关系的复杂,人与人相处仿佛在演戏,你永远不知道对方说的哪句话是真的,只有小心揣测别人的心思。在同事撮合下,他认识了八面玲珑的许小曼(梅婷 饰),俩人刚好形成性格上的互补。不久,双双坠入爱河。许小曼也不时开导不能与时倶进的梁致远,但他天生的书呆…
  • Coffin dreams is a surreal, dark romcom, thriller. When Nat wakes up in a coffin in the middle of nowhere she has no idea what's happened to her or how she will get out of the coffin. All of a sudden she passes out and wakes up back in her apartment with no memory of what just happened and a new roommate Lisa who's tak…
  • The wife Su tries to live solitude in mountains with her paralyzed husband Mo. Soon she falls in love with the neighbor Ho, a young painter. Su and Ho meet and flamed by their desires. Mo somehow finds this. However, by peeping, it inspired his painting. Ho gradually tired of this relationship and starts seeking other …
  • After many anxious years Hermoni, mother of Mukti who had left home to join an extremist outfit is handed a mutilated bullet ridden body purportedly that of her son. The formal last rites are performed. Then comes the news that the body may not be Mukti's. Thus begins another long wait as Hermoni rekindles her hope tha…
  • 70年代末期,北方评剧团复排历史剧《秦香莲》,彼此钟情的陈跃进和胡永红经过考核竞争一个饰演陈世美,一个饰演秦香莲。俩人在台上唱戏珠联璧合,在台下热烈相恋。可就在他们谈婚论嫁、憧憬美好未来的时候,陈跃进家的救命恩人杨琴因病已生命垂危。杨琴临终将在北大荒农场劳动的女儿江兰托付给陈跃进,希望陈跃进能把江兰娶回北京,陈跃进面对杨…
  • 电影