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  • 电影恐怖
    风和日丽的一天,杰克和艾丽(Katrina Bowden 饰)等8名大学生驱车来至莫里斯湖的森林度假。这里据说在20年前曾发生一起惨绝人寰的大屠杀,这个传说让这群看惯类似题材恐怖电影的男女们惴惴不安,而途中偶遇的两名当地青年也让他们心有余悸。那两名青年名叫托克(Alan Tudyk 饰)和戴尔(Tyler Labine 饰),是一对从小一起长大的好朋友,虽然…
  • “安德烈·拉辛”从小在孤儿院长大,爱好唱歌的他总希望有一天能够站在舞台上,但其五音不全的音准总是被同学和老师们嘲笑。那时候安德烈最希望的就是暑假奶奶接他去一个大房子玩;每当夏天奶奶会在这个漂亮的别墅里给某个官员(戈尔巴乔夫)当保姆,在那里安德烈很快乐。十多年之后的1985年,安德烈得贵人相助,来到了莫斯科去实现他童年的梦想…
  • 斯维特兰娜从远东来到一个西部小城,在城郊一幢孤单单的房子里,未婚夫叶戈尔给她留下字条说自己上了前线。斯维特兰娜留在房子里等叶戈尔,这间“临风而立”的房子由此成为她了解战争的一个窗口:先是部队撤退的风浪冲击着这里,房子里先后住过战地报社、野战医院;然后是一个步兵连,他们把这所和平的住宅变成了坚固的战斗堡垒。观众和斯维特兰…
  • Joey Cooper is a small boy who wants more than anything to be a member of the "Wilderness Club." But he has failed over and over again to pass the test and was not allowed to join. But when Joey gets home after his latest failure, he finds his mother has bought him all new camping equipment for his trip. Joey…
  • "With this film I returned to the world of Tres tristes tigres, to some people, in this case writers, who live in their own reality and believe that it is, in fact, Chile." - Raul RuizA group of young writers sell their soul to the devil. It is a film about the meaning of isolation and a certain megalomania t…
  • 对于曾经的很多球迷来说,他的名字,代表着一个传奇的年代。在他驰骋绿茵赛场的那个年代,和他并肩战斗的有法尔考和苏格拉底这样的传奇巨星,而他的对手则是普拉蒂尼这样的名宿,以及马拉多纳和马特乌斯这样的新星。在他的足球生涯中,他最为落寞的时期,莫过于在乌迪内斯的那个赛季,纵然他能让对手的球门一次次被攻陷,但是在远离南美的亚平宁…
  • Cheese, cheese and MORE Godfrey Ho Ninja cheese sauce "Cut-and-paste" movie!! 1988 is an estimated year.This is the story of crime boss Martin Cole who sends out one of his loyal henchmen, Mr Woods, to visit the leader of the black ninja in order to request that the ninja leader retrieve a secret list of name…
  • LEGO Friends' First Movie Ever! The girls' friendships are tested when mega-popstar Livi comes to Heartlake City. When our friends' hit song "Girlz" is stolen by Livi's manager, it's time for a cunning plan. As the girls try to tell Livi the truth about her latest hit single, they all learn that fame isn't ev…