- 意大利某个医院里的老人临终前,她美丽的孙女Olga飞车赶来。老人告诉她有一盒珠宝在俄罗斯。同时却被两个开救护车的,一个等妻子等孩子的大胡子黑手党,一个在医院养病的瘸子和一个医生听了去了。于是,一票人杀往俄罗斯,又有个英俊潇洒的导游来接他们。大家各显神通,分兵前往。中间发生了不少令人啼笑皆非的故事:医生的护照被大胡子从厕所塞…
- Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. But he feels sorry for her and arranges for her bail, and ends up taking her home to his mother for Christmas. Surrounded…
- With the help of the singer and dancer Dixie Leonhard, U.S. entertainer Eddie Sparks wants to bring some fun to the soldiers during World War II. Becoming a perfect team, they tour from North Africa to the Pacific to act for "the boys". Later, they continue their work, but when the author Silver gets involved…
- Napoleon's tumultuous relations with Russia including his disastrous 1812 invasion serve as the backdrop for the tangled personal lives of two aristocratic families.