搜索 Chis

  • 电影恐怖
  • PunchiSuranganavi
  • Loosely following a traditional Passover Seder, events from the Book of Exodus are retold by Moses, Aharon, the Angel of Death, Jesus, and the director's own father. But there's another side to this story: that of the Goddess, humankind's original deity. Seder-Masochism resurrects the Great Mother in a tragic struggle …
  • 电影科幻
    In 2245, the Earth’s sun has dwindled and no longer provides the energy needed to sustain human life.Five hired mercenaries travel to an uncharted planet to collect a rare mineral known as stardust to replenish the dying star. After their …
  • 艾莉擁有4個可愛小孩跟一個愛她、卻長期失業的老公。當經濟壓力都落到她肩上時,她每天早上得四點半起床,遠赴兩小時車程遠的咖啡店工作,卻總在晚上十點過後才能回到家。儘管每天只睡四個小時,艾莉卻總是面帶微笑,腳步如芭蕾舞者輕盈穿梭於地鐵站、愉快移動於餐檯間,宛若舞台表演般地華麗…。   瓦蕾是個現代舞者,卻在夜總會表演,有著模…
  • After Paul and Jenny part company with their sinister housekeeper Agatha, the disgruntled former employee gives a vintage doll called Robert to their son Gene. Soon after Agatha's departure, strange events begin plaguing the household. Furniture is vandalized, objects are thrown around and maniacal giggles echo through…
  • 电影
    Journey To Space unveils a new era of unprecedented deep space exploration in dramatic giant screen film format. It tells the true exciting story of what the next chapter of space exploration holds for both the near- and long-term. “Journey To Space,” presented by The Boeing Company and Toyota, showcases the plans by N…
  • 继澳大利亚大型教会新颂教会与相对论传媒(Relativity Studios)合作开展项目新闻传出后,其第一部电影“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起”(Hillsong: Let Hope Rise)将于5月首映。在相对论传媒负责监制该片的马特·阿尔瓦雷斯(Matt Alvarez)周三表示,整个工 作室因为这部备受期待的电影“非常激动”,“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起”记录了澳大利亚崇…
  • 电影剧情
  • 马戏团地球上最伟大的政治表演第一季
    Come one, come all to THE CIRCUS: INSIDE THE GREATEST POLITICAL SHOW ON EARTH. This documentary series pulls back the curtain on the 2016 presidential race, revealing the intense, inspiring and infuriating stories behind the headlines. Key characters and events from the individual campaigns are presented in real time, …