- 随着武魂融合技的锋芒消散,切磋赛最终以唐舞麟所带领的一年级组获胜而告一段落。片刻宁静后,一年级生们的期末考试也如期而至。学院提出的种种难题令众人捉襟见肘,唐舞麟等人也不例外。他们使出了各自的看家本领,为通过考试,跌跌撞撞的踏上了明都之行……
- Meteorites flies to the Earth. People have to make decision and push the Earth away from the deadly flow. They cling to the ball to the spacecraft. Conflict begins when they met strange creatures, who believes in God Jah.
- When the hurricane shuts down the ferry, a film team gets stuck in an isolated island hospital, known for a silent psychological war between the inmates and the staff.
- The film is submerging in the world of YouTube and internet amateur-made-films posting through the eyes of Bahoi, one of Romania's most viewed filmmakers. The first part of the movie deeply analysis his films by going to his hometown village in Romania, Peninsula, and meeting Bahoi's most famous characters. Also throug…