搜索 Gheorghe

  • 在妻子Ioana死于车祸的几周后,终日沉湎于酒精和孤寂的Alexandru一个人度过了他的42岁生日。就在这时,一个腼腆的年轻男孩Sebastian出现了,他是Ioana过去五个月里的情人。Sebastian向Alexandru提出了一个无理的请求:他希望Alexandru能帮助自己度过Ioana离世的伤痛。
  • The film is submerging in the world of YouTube and internet amateur-made-films posting through the eyes of Bahoi, one of Romania's most viewed filmmakers. The first part of the movie deeply analysis his films by going to his hometown village in Romania, Peninsula, and meeting Bahoi's most famous characters. Also throug…
  • 1943年12月,德军占领下的罗马尼亚,海边一个小村庄,当地抵抗组织准备摧毁一艘装载武器的德国运输船,但情报被亲纳粹的罗马尼亚伪政府获悉,他们派人渗透到抵抗组织内部
  • 一个怀抱着美国梦的青年,却因为父亲的反对之下,只好靠着养猪为生。他与一名美丽的女服务生陷入热恋,恋人间的挑衅让两人愈陷愈深,将他们带向无法挽救的悲剧结局。   在过去与现在之间拉锯,导演似乎在告诉我们:遗忘过去、抓住现在,是减低历史加诸在我们身上之暴力最好的良方;那是无悔的青春列车,因为下一站是天堂。
  • An old geriatrics professor accidentally discovers after a high-school reunion a potion that can rejuvenate anybody and uses it on him and his friends. They all go their new youthful ways but, for most of them, things don't go according to plan.
  • After he kills his beloved wife, Puiu Faranga is helped by his father to fake insanity. Adaptation from the novel „Ciuleandra” by Liviu Rebreanu.