搜索 Chistyakov

  • New Horizons was originally released as Vyborskaya Storona, which translates as The Vyborg Side. Codirected and cowritten by Gregory Kozintsev, the film is the final chapter in the director's "Maxim Trilogy". Like the earlier entries, New Horizons recreates the "awakening" of Soviet Russia under the…
  • По мотивам романа Александра Звягинцева "Русский Рэмбо". Афганистан 1986 г. Во время одной из военных операций в горах капитан Игорь Скворцов, по прозвищу Скиф, находит з…
  • Maxim, now a Marxist agitator going by the name of Fyodor, organizes strikes against the production of military equipment, culminating in open revolt against the Czarist forces.
  • 1918年,在俄国革命影响下的蒙古。蒙古牧民贝尔带着珍贵的貂皮前往被英国干涉军队和白俄占据的要塞市场出售。商人强行低价收购他的貂皮。他不堪屈辱,愤而与商人发生冲突,最后逃往大漠。他加入游击队抗击白俄军队,不幸被捕。就在执行枪决时,他被发现是成吉思汗的后裔,被解救并被扶植成傀儡。白俄和英国干涉军想借他之手更好地统治蒙古。具有…
  • 《沙漠苦战记》讲述了复员的边防战士、请假的军官夫妇、年迈的地质学家一行十三人,在沙漠中遇到强悍的匪徒。他们一方面派人去部队送信,剩余的人与匪徒展开殊死搏斗。有人在危险面前心生怯意,有人宁死反抗光荣牺牲,人的本性受到极大的挑战。
  • The red-haired witch Yaga lives with a cat-inventor and cheerful brownies in a hut in the swamps of the Far Far Away Kingdom and practices magic. To learn how to do magic for real, she lacks the Book of Spells, stolen from her many years ago by the evil sorceress Belladonna. Suddenly, fate gives Yaga a chance to get ev…