搜索 Christophe

  • 生命通道-二战大西洋海洋之战,是一部记录二战中英美加联合对抗德国潜艇的纪录片,每集50分钟,共四集。   二战开始时,英军由于其强大的海上舰队以及海底声纳探测装置而对德国潜艇不削一顾,谁知战争一开始德军仅用一艘潜艇和2枚鱼雷就轻松干掉了当时英国皇家海军最重要的航空母舰之一“勇敢号”;随后的战争完全超过英国人的想象:德国潜艇…
  • 没错!3月8日是妇女节,但频道却安排了一部讲男人的电视剧。   这年头,做男人不易啊!女同胞们,一起听听他们的烦恼吧!   埃尔维、帕格、大卫、史蒂芬人到中年,四个人经常一起打网球、聊天,去学校接孩子,是好朋友。埃尔维家大业大;帕格在家是烹饪高手;大卫独自带着儿子,女人缘儿最旺;史蒂芬是医院的顶梁柱。吃穿不愁的生活并没有带…
  • Mountains have been a natural haven for men for thousands of years. But life there is hard, difficult, slow, repetitive, silent and solitary. Carmen and her family live in the mountain. The life of this family of farmers is marked by the seasons of the year. Day after day, Carmen struggles to work and live, as did the …
  • A series of plays for children which featured the supernatural frequently and science fiction occasionally.
  • A young Parisian woman of Caribbean descent returns to her native island of Guadeloupe looking for the father she has never known.
  • DI Lynley and DS Havers investigate the murder of a forensic psychologist, Professor Dermot Finnegan, who was blown to bits with a car bomb. In his profession, he has done much work for the police and the list of those seeking revenge is endless. In his home village, Noel Shakespeare's daughter was imprisoned for killi…
  • The BBC Domesday Project   http://www.domesday.org.uk/   这是英国现存最早的公共记录,在这份羊皮纸卷的背后隐藏着怎样的政治因素和人文历史?   征服者威廉又为什么要在1086年颁布这份丈量土地的政策?   有人说,这是为了提高税收而设置的政策;   有人则不以为然...   其实,这份古卷的背后隐藏着,比金钱重要得多的深层…
  • The result of spiritual desperation, jealous vengeance, and misanthropic madness: three tales of horror. In SCREAM FOR ME one killer becomes the victim of another more brutal and insane than even himself. In MY SKIN! Death flies in to collect the soul of a murdered young woman, but first takes revenge on her killer. An…