搜索 ChristopherAustin

  • The BBC Domesday Project   http://www.domesday.org.uk/   这是英国现存最早的公共记录,在这份羊皮纸卷的背后隐藏着怎样的政治因素和人文历史?   征服者威廉又为什么要在1086年颁布这份丈量土地的政策?   有人说,这是为了提高税收而设置的政策;   有人则不以为然...   其实,这份古卷的背后隐藏着,比金钱重要得多的深层…
  • The Art of Incarceration
    Seen through the eyes of Indigenous prisoners at Victoria’s Fulham Correctional Centre, director Alex Siddons explores how art and culture can empower First Nations people to transcend their unjust cycles of imprisonment.THE ART OF INCARCE…